
Registration for past runners opens:
Saturday 1st March 2025

(Limited to 300 places)


Registration open to all runners:
Saturday 15th March 2025

(Limited to 250 places)


Online registration provided by


  • Length: 15.35km (7.16km ascent, 7.19km descent, 1km flat)
  • Elevation: 994m
  • Ascent Grade: 13.4% (max 32%)

** 2025 Race Requirements **




00.01am 1st March – On-line entries OPEN for runners who have previously run Snowdon (past runners within 5 years) Max x 300 entries. * So it will be 00:01am Friday night of Feb 28th / Morning of 1st March 2025 *

00.01am 15th March – On-line RE-OPENS for all runners (new and past runners) for those who meet the criteria. It will shut automatically when the race limit is reached x 250. * So it will be 00:01am Friday night March 15th 2025 *

The race has a NO REFUND POLICY, however name/details changes are permitted up to 8th JUNE, 2025. By contacting the Entries Secertary. After this date NO CHANGES are possible, so please dont ask.

This is the best practice systems we use, Snowdon Race is not a FUN RUN . We have to make it clear that you MUST gain experience on the mountain and compete in race. Fittness, mentally and physically is essential.


Race Rules

It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the following rules/regulations for entry into the international Snowdon Race

  • 1. MINIMUM AGE for competitors is 18 years.
  • 2. CONDITIONS OF ENTRY: Competitors must have mountain running experience or/ and competed in a mountain race.
  • 3. ENTRIES No entries after closing date. Once race is full, its full.
  • 4. NUMBERS must be collected in person. Neither names or numbers may be substituted. This can only be done by the entries secretary approval.
  • 5. RACE NUMBER must not be obscured during the race and must be worn on front on the vest.
  • 6. RETIRAL from the race must be (where possible) at a marshal and at the finish line. Failure to do this can lead to refusal of entry into future Snowdon races.
  • 7. ELECTRONIC TIMING is within your race number, and disposable. PLEASE make sure that the RACE NUMBER /BIB if clearly visable at the summit and at the finish line at the sports village.
  • 8. ADVERSE WEATHER In the event of adverse weather full wind/ waterproof body cover, hat and gloves must be carried. This is at the organisers discretion, it will be notified at the registration. A cut off time of 1 hour 05mins at Clogwyn may be imposed in bad weather, the committee reserve the right to cancel the race. Entry fee will not be re-funded. There is a CUT OFF anyway 1hr 05mins at CLOGWYN BAD WEATHER OR NOT.
  • 9. RUN under UK Athletics Rules.
  • 10. Failure to correspond with 6 & 7 can lead to refusal of entry into future Snowdon races.
  • 11. PRIZES Prizes will be awarded in most categories, see website for details
  • 12. BUM BAG – Bum bag check will be carried out should rule 8 be implemented. Any person found to be in breech of this rule will be disqualified.
  • 13. RACE NUMBER You MUST show your race number clearly on your vest, tshirt, NO cutting off the sponsors, NO placing the number on your short. MUST be on the front of your vest. Any runner seen breaking this rule they will be disqualified. Sponsors support the race and with out then no race.

Run under UK Athletics Rules. Please note:

This is a dangerous sport. If you take part you voluntarily assume the risk of any injury you may sustain. On the entry form you submit there is a disclaimer by which you legally absolve the International Snowdon Race Committee of any/all liability for your personal safety and personal effects and undertake to immdemnify it for any liability to your family and any other dependants. You therefore participate entirely at your own risk.

Runners – Important

I accept the hazards involved in mountain/fell running and acknowledge that I am entering and running in this race at my own risk. Other than the organiserʼs liability for causing death or personal injury by negligence, I confirm that I understand that the organiser accepts no liability to me for any loss or damage of any nature to myself or my property arising out of my participation in this race. I am over 18 years of age. I understand that mountain running is a dangerous sport.