Mae yna ddioyn o ddewis llefydd aros : hosteli, gwestai, lletai gwely a brecwast, meysydd carafanau a gwersylla. Am arweiniad pellach ewch at Visit Snowdonia.

Ebostiwch ni pe bai gennych lety I’w gynnig a bod arnoch eisiau rhestru eich llety ar ein gwefan.


  • Royal Victoria Hotel  


    (English) The Royal Victoria Hotel is uniquely located close to Llanberis at the foot of Snowdon, within 30 acres of our very own gardens and woodlands, which include the historic castle of Dolbadarn.

    Gwefan Tel: 01286 870 253

  • Plas Coch  


    (English) Plas Coch Guest House is a spacious and elegant Victorian house (built around 1865) situated in its own grounds on the High Street at the south end of Llanberis village in the heart of Snowdonia. We are only 500 yards from the Snowdon Mountain Railway, the Llanberis Lake Railway, and the entrance to Padarn Country Park. B&B accommodation has eight en-suite bedrooms, with sufficient on-site parking for all our guests. We have three family rooms which can be adapted for use as a twin room. We also have a ground floor bedroom.

    Gwefan Tel: 01286 872122

  • Glyn Peris Guest House Snowdon Mountain Guide  


    (English) Glyn Peris Guest House Snowdon Mountain Guide. Llanberis, Caernarfon Gwynedd LL55 4EL

    Gwefan Tel: 01286 872 711

  • Snowdon House  

    Snowdon House, Gwastadnant, Nant Peris

    (English) Snowdon House is situated in the Llanberis Pass, the most spectacular area of the Snowdonia National Park.

    Gwefan Tel: 01286 512503

  • Prifysgol Bangor  


    Wedi'i lleoli dim ond 20 munud o Lanberis, mae Prifysgol Bangor yn cynnig llety fforddiadwy i grwpiau ac unigolion. Mae ystafelloedd gwely sengl en-suite gyda chegin yn cael ei rhannu, ar gael o £28.50 y noson. Mae'r pris yn cynnwys dillad gwely, tywelion, mynediad i Wi-fi a pharcio. I archebu ar-lein ewch i:

    Gwefan Tel:

  • Y Fricsan/The Snowdon Inn  

    Llanberis Road, Cwm-y-Glo, Caernarfon

    (English) Located near Snowdon, on Llanberis Road (A4086), in the village of Cwm-y-Glo, 1.25 Miles from Llanberis, We have a large campsite and bunkhouses (a ten bed and an eight bed).

    Gwefan Tel: 07738 859 585

  • Belle Del  


    (English) Luxury Camping in Eryri / Snowdonia

    Gwefan Tel:



    (English) We have been letting holiday cottages for over 25 years and with a growing collection of properties, we now cover all corners of the UK.

    Gwefan Tel: 01237 459888