Llanberis, Wales – Challenging weather conditions at 47th the running of Ras Rhyngwladol Yr Wyddfa International Snowdon Race 2024 only added to the drama, as Scotland’s Naomi Lang and England’s Joe Steward triumphed at this iconic mountain race.

Next year will be the 48th race, but organisers will be celbrating it as 50th Anniversary birthday 1796 – 2025 but will be 48th Race

Heavy rain greeted the runners on the start line once again this year, but with lighter winds on the mountain compared to 2023 (when the race was shortened due wind gusts in excess of 90 miles per hour recorded on the summit of Yr Wyddfa) the runners would be visiting the summit.

As is traditional at Snowdon strong teams from Wales, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland and Italy come together for what is renowned as one of the classic European races on the calendar, and the weather would do nothing to deter the international athletes from producing some incredible racing.

Both Steward and Lang came into the race amongst the favourites, having both represented Great Britain at the recent European Championships in Annecy, France, with Steward taking the gold medal in the uphill only race and Lang coming home first Brit and 5th overall in the women’s up and downhill race.

The pace up front was fast as the runners headed out of Llanberis at 2pm, with Steward, Italy’s Lorenzo Cagnati and Scot Jacob Adkin well to the fore as they climbed on the mountain proper around one mile into the race.

In the women’s event Italian Vivien Bonzi wasn’t hanging around as she blasted up the first climb and forced the pace up and through the Halfway House station. Behind Naomi Lang and England’s Eve Pannone were running together.

As the leading runners approached the turn round point of the race and the 1085m summit, Steward had a commanding lead in the men’s race, showing impressive climbing skills as he crested in 41:28, with Cagnati following 75 seconds later. Behind Adkin summited 3rd in 43:13.

In the women’s race Lang had by now passed a slowing Bonzi and was establishing a commanding lead in the women’s event, looking in control as she hit the summit in 50:48 and began her descent. Further back Pannone was in a solid third, with 2023 4th placer Beatrice Bianchi beginning her charge.

The positions at the head of the race were by now becoming clear as Steward led Cagnati who led Adkin, but it was Englishman Grant Cunliffe who was perhaps having the best descent of the race as he was eating up the ground behind, and as they came off the mountain below Hebron and onto the steep tarmac descent he had passed Adkin and was now sat in third, chasing Cagnati to the line.

Up ahead Joe Steward was away and gone and rounding the final bend he was greeted by a huge crowd at Cae’r Ddol, having time to smile and raise the finish line ribbon to take a fantastic win in 1:05:48, adding his name to the illustrious role call and becoming the latest in a long line of English winners.

Italy’s Cagnati finished a jubilant second in 1:08:13, almost being caught by the charging Cunliffe at the line, who had produced one of the fastest Snowdon descents in recent times to take third in 1:08:22.

Italy packed well with 5th and 7th to take the men’s team prize.

In the women’s race Lang was producing a stellar performance, making the technical slopes of Allt Moses look easy. Italy’s Bonzi wasn’t enjoying the steep descent so much and by the halfway point on the way down had been passed by both Pannone and compatriot Bianchi. But Lang continued to plummet into Llanberis, passing male runner after male runner, and entered the finish straight with big smile, knowing that she had the win in the bag, crossing the line to take the women’s title in a super-fast 1:15:48. She now joins 2023 winner Holly Page, mountain legend Angela Mudge and young Catriona Buchanan as Scottish female champions of this famous race.

Pannone finished an excellent runner-up in 1:18:28, just holding off Bianchi, who completed the women’s podium with a super-strong run to take third in 1:18:32.

As with the men, Italy’s women were triumphant in the team race taking 3rd, 4th and 5th.

47th Race – Castell Howell International Snowdon Race Ras Rhyngwladol Yr Wyddfa 2024 – Results (49th year)

Men’s Top 3

  1. Joe Steward (England) 1:05:41
    2. Lorenzo Cagnati (Italy) 1:08:13
    3. Grant Cunliffe (England) 1:08:22

Team: Italy

Women’s Top 3

  1. Naomi Lang (Scotland) 1:15:48
  2. Eve Pannone (England) 1:18:28
  3. Beatrice Bianchi (Italy) 1:18:32

Team: Italy