2021 RACE Cancelled….. see you 2022

RAS YR WYDDFA STATEMENT – 03 February 2021


Barry Davies. Phil Jones Douglas Pritchard (Directors) Stephen Edwards (Organiser)

Dear Competitors, Sponsors, Supporters and Volunteers of the Snowdon International Race.

We sincerely hope that you have all stayed safe and well in the difficult and dark times we have faced over the last twelve months.

On behalf of the organizers and volunteers of the International Snowdon Race and especially on behalf of our main sponsor Castell Howells and all other sponsors, we are deeply saddened to announce that the Snowdon Race will not be held in 2021.

The COVID-19 crisis situation continues and the Race Directors and the Race Organiser have come to the decision that holding the Snowdon Race in 2021 would place our competitors, supporters, volunteers, our main sponsor Castell Howells, and our community in a potential risk situation.

We cannot guarantee the safety of everyone due to the impact of Covid-19. We inevitably place your safety, the safety of our volunteers the safety of our supporters and of course the safety of our community as a priority.

This decision may not come as a surprise to you although we would understand and share your disappointment and frustration once again.

We can assure you that all of our volunteers and organisers will work hard to ensure the success of the Snowdon Race in 2022 and we are all looking forward to welcoming everyone back to Llanberis when Covid-19 is under control and when the virus does not place our communities at risk.

Some if not most of you will be planning to compete in 2022. You will not need to re-register when the Race entry period re-opens in March 2022 your entry will be automatic.

Our volunteers will ensure that your entry to the competition will automatically transfer to the Snowdon Race Register in 2022 and no additional payment will be due.

As the entire Snowdon Race is organized by volunteers from the local community, we kindly request that you support the Race and reduce our workload and allow us to automatically transfer your application to compete in 2022.

If you are not able to compete in the 2022 Snowdon Race, then of course the name transfer window will be open for you.

Finally, we urge everyone to follow Government guidelines and to protect our National Health Service by staying at home and not traveling where the journey is unavoidable.

We hope you will be able to continue training and enjoy mountain running where possible – remember, our mountains will be there again in the future.

We would like to thank everyone for their support and we send our best wishes to you all

With sincere thanks for your generous support.

Snowdon Race Team
